The Characteristics of Chimes or Dance bells or the divine Dance Salangai
Every dancer beginning her career dreams of the day she gets to earn her Salangai, usually received after her Salangai Poojai performance in Bharathanatyam. No performance is deemed complete without the shimmer of these golden bells. The Lord Nataraja is invoked and offered pleasing prayers to bless their Salangai before the beginning of the Margam. Hence it is inevitable to learn the characteristics of a proper Dance Salangai and treat it with the deserved respect.
The Abhinaya Darpanam gives the slokam for Kinkini Lakshanam as follows:
susvarascha surupascha suksham nakshatradevataha |
kinkinyah kamsyaracita ekaikangulikantaram ||
badhniyannilasutrena granthibhisca drdham punah |
satadvayam satam vapi padayornatyakaranini. ||
The meaning lies as follows:
The tiny chimes made of bronze with enchanting music (kinkini) with a good 'well' shaped form are strung one anguli or finger distance apart. Each bell is considered to be a deity. The bells should be either a hundred or two hundred in number. They are worn in a blue thread( but nowadays they are tied or made with leather for durability) and adorn the feet of the dancing girl after blessings from the Lord and her Guru.
( By Varsha Ramgopal, Founder)